September 21

Importance of Silence

Since every violation of silence tends to impede the genuine growth of the congregation, anyone who breaks the silence deserves to be called a ‘destroyer of the same congregation.’ (OOCC, II, p. 25)

For a person’s genuine growth in the life of prayer, he needs to cultivate inner contemplation. Solitude facilitates the nurturing of inner contemplation in the life of a person. In the same way, for genuine growth of the attitude of prayer in a community, there must be a communal attitude of inner peace. The practice of silence in communal level helps the community to foster inner peace. Hence, St. Vincent was very strict about the practice of silence in the community. He urged all members of the congregation to follow strict silence in the communities of the Society, especially at the prescribed times of the day. He called the communities of the Society the “Sacred Retreats,” indicating that the attitude of inner devotion in the community level must be sustained by the communal practice of silence. This, in turn, helps the spiritual health of the community. St. Vincent went to the extent of saying that a person who breaks  the  rule  of  silence  must  be  called  “the  destroyer  of  the Congregation.” This is because, in actual fact, every violation of silence in the community hinders the spiritual progress of the members of the Congregation in general and the community in particular. The more one practices silence in the community, the healthier the prayer life the community.

Do I recognize the value of silence in my community living? Does the practice of silence in the community level help me to practice the attitude of inner peace? Does silence facilitate a healthier prayer life in my community? Do I break the rule of silence on a regular basis? Is my community truly a “Sacred Retreat?”

Where words are many, sin is not wanting; but he who restrains his lips does well. (Prov. 10: 19)