October 29

Proof of Our Love: Cooperating in God’s Plan of Salvation

        My Jesus, the proof of love that you wish from me is that I save souls. Therefore, completely destroy in me whatever impedes a total and effective dedication to the salvation         of souls, and give me … your life, your virtues, your qualities, and your energy … in order to bring all … souls of the world to your heart. (OOCC, X, p. 676; STA, 516)

Every Christian is called to love God. It is not merely a pious thought a person feels at a moment of prayer, but loving God implies living for him. It means that in the context of his living, a Christian must show proof of his love. According to St. Vincent Pallotti, the best way a Christian can manifest his love for God is to cooperate in God’s plan of salvation of humankind. He believed that this is what Christ expected of him. Hence, he wished that everything within him and in his environment that hindered a complete and effective consecration of himself to the salvation of human persons, be totally destroyed. Instead he desired to possess the life, virtues, qualities and energy that animated the apostolic endeavors of Jesus in accomplishing his Father’s plan for the salvation of humankind. St. Vincent’s aim in life was to bring every human person to the kingdom of God and make him a true disciple of Jesus, thereby restoring the image of God in him. Moved by this spirit, he spent his life for the service and happiness  of  others.  In  this  manner,  St.  Vincent’s  love  for  God  was displayed in every act he performed for the good and happiness of others.

Do I recognize that I need to show my love for God by working for the eternal happiness of others? Do I remove anything that blocks this mission? Do I have the attitudes of Jesus in my involvement in the apostolate?

        I am grateful to … Christ Jesus our Lord, because he considered me trustworthy in appointing me to the ministry … Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Of these I         am the foremost. (I Tim. 1: 12, 15)