November 29

Imitation of Jesus: A Practical Task 

[Imitation of Jesus is a practical task] because such a precious obligation must be accomplished in actual fact, in our thoughts, in our words, in our deeds, and in the disciplining all the affections of our heart. (OOCC, III, p. 35)

For St. Vincent Pallotti, the imitation of Jesus is a practical task. By ‘practical  task’,  he  meant  that  it  must  be  accomplished  in  a  person’s everyday living. In other words, the imitation of Jesus must be concretely practiced. Thus, the imitation of Jesus has to do with a person’s thoughts, words, deeds and the disciplining of the affections of his heart. It means that the life of Jesus must be practically manifested in the thoughts, words, deeds and dispositions of the heart of a person who is an imitator of Jesus. Thus, genuine imitation of Jesus implies the transformation of the totality of the person into the likeness of Jesus. According to St. Vincent, it is not something that happens all of a sudden, but rather it is a long process. Each person pursuing genuine imitation of Jesus must give himself sufficient time. He should neither be anxious nor be in a hurry to accomplish this practical task. But instead, he must patiently persevere in this difficult task of transforming himself into the likeness of Jesus by imitating him. When a person continues in this process earnestly, he would be transformed into Christ and his actions would be such that they glorify God and bring happiness to fellow human beings.

Are my thoughts, words, deeds, and affections of the heart Christ-like because I imitate Jesus? Do I consider the imitation of Jesus as a practical task to be accomplished all of a sudden? Am I patient and persevering in my journey towards the total imitation of Jesus? Do my actions bring glory to God and happiness to others?

All bitterness, fury, anger, shouting, and reviling must be removed from you, along with all malice. [And] be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving one another as God has forgiven you in Christ. (Eph. 4: 31 – 32)