November 4

Union of Catholic Apostolate: An Evangelical Trumpet

[The Union of Catholic Apostolate] is like an evangelical trumpet, perpetually calling everyone … and awakening the zeal and charity of all the faithful of every class, rank and condition. (OOCC, I, pp. 4 - 5)

According to St. Vincent Pallotti, the Union of Catholic Apostolate is an evangelical trumpet that invites all to follow Jesus in his apostolate. The call to the apostolate cannot be restricted to a privileged class nor to an exceptional few. The universality of persons includes every Catholic whether he is a priest, religious, or layperson. Nothing bars a person from participating in the apostolate. Whether a person is educated or ignorant, rich or poor, belongs to the lower or higher class of society, he is called to the mission. The aspect of universality of persons implies the related aspects of universality of means and universality of place. Since every person is called, he/she brings in his/her talents and abilities at the service of the apostolate. The mobilization of every means formed an important aspect of St. Vincent’s apostolic strategy. Similarly, the apostolate must not be limited to a particular place. Since all are engaged in the apostolate, it can be done in different places. Thus, in St. Vincent’s pastoral modus operandi, every person must be engaged in the apostolate of revival of faith and re-enkindling of charity, every means must be used to increase the efficacy of this apostolate, and it must be done throughout the world, both among the Catholics and non-Catholics.

In my apostolic endeavors, do I engage all to participate in the apostolate? Do I use every possible means to enhance the effectiveness of the apostolate? Am I open to accept the talents and abilities of other persons and use them at the service of the apostolate? Do I attempt to reach out to as many people as possible in the apostolate? 

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. (Mt. 28: 19)