November 3

Apostolate: A Fuller Imitation of Jesus

Since the life of Jesus Christ is his apostolate, he is the model of apostolate for all. As all are called to the obligation of imitating Jesus Christ, all, on the basis of their state of life, are called to the apostolate. (OOCC, III, p.142) 

St. Vincent Pallotti’s inspiration with regard to the apostolate is Jesus, the Apostle of the Eternal Father. Looking at Jesus, his Model, he understands that the apostolate is the reason for Jesus’ life here on earth. Hence, for St. Vincent, the involvement in his own apostolate is nothing but a fuller imitation of and a complete configuration to Christ, the Apostle of the Eternal Father. Since the life of Jesus is his apostolate, any person who takes upon himself the task of being an apostle of Jesus should model himself after Christ in accomplishing God’s plan for him as an apostle. Hence, the more one gives himself to his apostolate, the more he imitates Jesus in his apostolate. Jesus’ life of apostolate does not merely imply he is doing individual acts such as healing, preaching or doing an act of kindness, but rather it also involves the total giving of himself to others. Thus, being an apostle in imitation of Jesus means that the apostle should not limit himself to performing actions for the people entrusted to his care, but rather he must entirely give himself to the service of the Lord and his people. In this way, his involvement in the apostolate becomes a fuller and complete imitation of Jesus.

Do I realize that my involvement in the apostolate is a fuller imitation of Jesus, the Apostle of the Eternal Father? Do I accept Jesus as the model of my apostolate? Does my apostolate make me more like Jesus? Does my involvement in the apostolate imply a total gift of myself to God’s people or merely doing a few acts of kindness for them?

But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may accomplish my course and the ministry, which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. (Acts. 20: 24)