May 28

The Path to Perfection

The acquisition of true perfection consists not only in ideas and holy desires, but it is also necessary that we constantly practice a holy life… in a more perfect and actual imitation of the life of Our Lord Jesus Christ. (OOCC, II, pp. 4-5)

St. Vincent Pallotti believed that the true path of perfection did not consist of a person having wonderful ideas about holiness of life nor in having the holy desire to become perfect, even though they are non-essential elements for his ascent towards God. Though ideas about holy life and desire to become holy would definitely help a person to move towards perfection, by themselves they would not make a person holy. According to St. Vincent, a person would ascend in the life of perfection only if he used his knowledge about holiness and desire for holiness in the context of his everyday life. This would mean that he should live a holy life in imitation of the life of Jesus Christ. The thoughts, words and deeds of Jesus should become his own thoughts, words and deeds. When a person attempted to live the very life of Jesus, he would be like a person who built his spiritual life on the rock of listening to the word of God and living it. The house built on the rock was able to withstand the downpour of the rain and the flood. Similarly, the person who built his spiritual life on the rock of the practical living of a holy life would be able to endure the hardships involved in his journey towards holiness. Though St. Vincent did give importance to the knowledge about holiness and desire for holiness, he was a practical man who proposed the practical path of living a holy life as a means to perfection.

Do I spend my energy on the practical living of a holy life? Does my path to holiness consist of living a holy life in imitation of Jesus Christ? Do I use ideas about holiness and desire for holiness to facilitate my practical living of a holy life?

Jesus said to his disciples: “It is not those who say to me, ‘Lord, Lord’ who will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the person who does the will of my Father in heaven. (Mt. 7:21)