May 26

Actions and Desires

When the effectiveness of the action does not attain its goal I must strive that the wings of desire to reach it. (OOCC, X, p. 49; STA, 220)

 St. Vincent was a man of desire. His desire to respond to the God of love made St. Vincent Pallotti a dynamic and active apostle. He wished to be engaged in diverse ministries for the good of the Church and the human race. He often prayed to God to give him great desires to do great things for God and his glory. He desired to journey throughout the world and minister to all people in their spiritual and temporal needs, even though in actual fact he never left the city of Rome for engaging in the apostolate. St. Vincent’s love for God was so great that he desired to do many things for God. But he knew he was limited in his capacities to accomplish everything he planned to do. He often begged for God’s power, wisdom and goodness in helping him to accomplish great things for him. He often said that when he was not able to actualize his apostolic plans due to his limitations as a human person, he should not be discouraged or give up the project. But instead, he should continue to desire the very things he failed to accomplish and should put in as much effort as possible to accomplish it, for he knew that effort was his gift to God, while success was God’s gift to him.

Am I, like St. Vincent, a man/woman of desire? Do I desire to do many things for God and his people? Am I discouraged and give up when some of my plans are not actualized? Do I continue my efforts to accomplish my plans despite the failures? Do I believe that God does not measure the results, but the efforts?

I hear of your love for all the saints and your faith toward the Lord Jesus. I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective when you perceive all the good that we may do for Christ. (Phil.1: 5 – 6)