May 27

 Being Hopeful About Success

Since it is impossible for me in my misery, poverty and impiety to carry out everything I want to do for the glory of God, I will do it by performing acts of love and humiliation, [and] offering the merits of Jesus Christ. (OOCC, X, pp. 71 - 72; STA, 63)

St. Vincent Pallotti was not merely a man of desires, but also a practical person. He not only desired to do great things in order to bring the greatest glory to God, but also practically set up a number of plans to actualize his mission. He was also practical in recognizing his own limitations and that of the external environment that sometimes prevented him from accomplishing his pastoral and apostolic plans. Since it was not always possible for him to do everything he wanted to do for the glory of God because of his misery, poverty and impiety to carry them out, he planned a twofold strategy in accomplishing what he wanted to do for God. First, he would arm himself spiritually by performing acts of love, humiliation and offering the merits of Jesus Christ to the eternal Father. Second, he would continue to carry out his pastoral and apostolic plans with the needed modifications and changes, despite the fact that he had experienced failure. This twofold strategy of seeking the grace of God to assist him in executing his pastoral plan helped St. Vincent Pallotti to carry on his mission with courage and determination. He did his best in planning for his mission and executing it, while leaving the dimension of success to God. In this manner, St. Vincent Pallotti lived and worked for God with a deep sense of hope in God, for he knew that with God everything was possible.

Do I accept the fact that my limitations and external circumstances sometimes prevent success in the apostolate? Do I make use of the double- fold strategy of seeking the grace of God while executing my pastoral plans for the success of my mission? Do I do my best and leave the rest to God, when I embark upon my apostolic endeavor?

Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my help and my God. (Ps. 42:11)