March 25

Mary: The Object of Our Imitation

        Because of the fullness of her merits … holy Church salutes Mary with the profound title of Queen of Apostles. Thus, all priests and laypersons of every sex, state, rank and         condition will be inspired to imitate her. (OOCC, III, p. 6)

Because of the person Mary is, because of the way she reaches out to everyone in need, and because of the marvelous way she has cooperated with God in accomplishing his plan for humankind, St. Vincent Pallotti believed that every Christian must accept Mary as the object of his imitation. For St. Vincent, whether one is a priest, Religious or a layperson of every sex, state, rank and condition, he must be inspired by Mary’s life and must accept her as a model for his life. There are many things one can learn from Mary and she can be of great inspiration in one’s life. Mary’s greatness does not consist of the fact that God has made her great. But her greatness consists of her accepting her God-given greatness despite uncertainties, doubt and suffering, and cooperating with God in accomplishing God’s plan for her. First, Mary believed in God’s promises unconditionally. She knew very well that the one who called her would not let her down. She, as the handmaid, walked the path which God had laid out for her. Second, Mary was totally focused on others. Her heart went out to the ones in need. Third, Mary is a great example of apostolic zeal. Fourth, Mary is an inspiration for those who live a family life, a religious life or a priestly life. Fifth, Mary is a true disciple of Jesus, who followed his teaching in its entirety. In this way, every Christian, despite what he is, can learn something from Mary. Therefore, St. Vincent called his followers to imitate her.

Do I accept Mary as an object of my imitation? Do I acknowledge that Mary’s greatness consists of her unconditional cooperation with God’s plan? Which aspect of Mary’s life do I need to learn from? Which aspect of her life attracts me?

        Blessed is she, who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord. (Lk. 1:45)