March 2

Glorification of God through Daily Tasks

In your every action remember that you can give great glory to the Creator by carrying out the obligations of your state with holy and right precision. (OOCC, X, p. 50; STA, 224)

God is the source of everything a person has in his life and the good he accomplishes in his everyday living. A person makes efforts in achieving the good deeds he plans to do. But it is God who blesses his efforts, and generates fruits of his good deeds in his life and that of others. Therefore, God deserves to be glorified in and through every action a person performs each day. St. Vincent Pallotti believed that the glory of the Creator could be best brought about by carrying out the duties of a person’s state of life. Thus, whether a person is a priest, religious or layperson, he can glorify God by performing the obligations of his state of life “with holy and right precision.” The phrase “holy and right precision” refers to an inner attitude of the person, which earnestly wishes and intends that the good act be done with the purest intention and in the best way possible. When an action is done in this manner, it perfects the situation in which it is done, the person to whom it is done, the person who performs the action, and brings God the greatest glory., All through his life, St. Vincent performed each of his actions as a priest with holy and right precision. In doing so, he allowed each of his acts to bring the greatest glory to God, while facilitating at the same time the sanctification of his neighbor.

Do I believe that I can bring glory to God through the performance of the duties of my state of life? Do I seek my own advantage or the glory of God in and through the good deeds that I perform? Do I carry out the duties of my state of life “with holy and right precision”?

My mouth shall be filled with your praise, with your glory day by day. (Ps. 71: 8)