July 11

Meditation on the Passion of Jesus 

Meditation, on the passion of Jesus and the sorrows of Mary, is a treasure superior to all other spiritual treasures. (OOCC, II, p. 331) 

St. Vincent Pallotti urged Christians of every walk of life, that is, the priests, the Religious and the laypersons, to meditate on the passion of Christ crucified as often as possible. For him, such a meditative reflection on the sufferings of Jesus and that of Mary is a superior form of spiritual means that would take man to genuine Jesus-experience. St. Vincent Pallotti often spent time contemplating Jesus in his passion. He used what he called the “Clock of Passion,” which is a brief reflection on the passion of Jesus at each hour of the day, as a means to keep in touch with the sufferings of Jesus. Besides, he spent many hours kneeling in prayer before the crucifix in his room. He also undertook diverse bodily disciplines in order to carry in his body the sufferings of Jesus. Thus, St. Vincent wished to  re-live  Christ’s  life  of  self-sacrifice  by  enduring  sufferings  and companionship with the Lord.

Do I take time to meditate on the passion of Christ? Do my meditations on the passion of Christ help me to encounter the suffering Jesus? Do I re-live Christ’s self-sacrifice by enduring sufferings and hardship?

Be diligent in these matters be absorbed in them, so that your progress may be evident to everyone. (I Tim. 4: 15)