Be Doers of the Word
Few words and many deeds, and let them be done well (Lett., 1554, p. 339)
St. Vincent Pallotti was neither a mere man of words, nor a mere hearer of the word, but also a man of action. He often said that one must speak less and do more. Though speaking and hearing the word of God was significant to him, he never stopped merely at speaking and hearing. As a Christian he did hear the word of God and spend time reflecting on the word of God. As a priest he spoke the word of God and communicated the contents of the scriptures to others. While doing these two in the right measure, he was more interested in putting into action what he heard and what he spoke. In his spiritual life, he was constantly concerned about doing various virtuous actions that would make him live the life of the image of God, besides bringing the glory of God. In his apostolic life, he had set up a well-organized pastoral plan that would help him to serve the poor and the needy while working for their sanctification. Besides whatever he did, whether it was in his spiritual life or in his apostolic life, he did them in the best possible way. Doing everything he did with the right effort and pure intention, he made sure that they became the best offerings he could offer to God.
Am I a mere man of words? Am I a mere hearer of the word? Am I a doer of the word? Do I perform actions to live as God’s image and bring God the glory? Are my apostolic endeavors aimed at the service of the poor and the needy, while working for their sanctification? Do I perform my actions in the best way possible?
But be doers of the word, and not merely hearers who deceive themselves. For if any are hearers of the word and not doers, they are like those who look at themselves in a mirror; for they look at themselves and, on going away, immediately forget what they were like (Jas. 1:22 – 24)