February 13

A Good Instruction

Three things are to be observed when … [giving an instruction], … you must be slow in talking, … cautious … and brief … In speaking, I will take care not to offend God, and I pray … that he [God] may deign to grant me grace in order to fruitfully instruct the faithful. (OOCC, X, p. 609; STA, 210)

St. Vincent Pallotti recognized the value and importance of Christian instruction. He observed the following guidelines in instructing the faithful and encouraged others to do the same. While giving an instruction, the preacher must be slow in talking in order that the listeners clearly understand what is said. He must be cautious and avoid all ambiguities in his speech so as not to confuse the congregation. The instruction must be brief so that the listeners can be attentive to instruction and gain maximum benefit from it. The preacher must never preach anything that might offend God. He must pray, especially before he begins his instruction, asking God for the grace to instruct the faithful competently. By taking note of all these guidelines, the preacher must effectively preach the word of God to the faithful and instruct them in the ways of God.

Do I recognize the importance of Christian instruction? Do I take care to be slow, cautious and brief while instructing the faithful? Do I preach/teach anything that might offend God? Do I pray for the fruitfulness of my preaching/teaching?

Teach these things and make sure that everyone learns them well … Read and explain the Scriptures to the Church; preach God’s word. Be sure to use the abilities God has given you … Put these abilities to work; throw yourself into your tasks. (I Tim. 4: 11, 13-15)