December 4

No Laziness in Our Communities

Because in the Holy Family of Nazareth there was never even the slightest laziness, we are bound to keep far from our community … even the slightest mark of laziness. (OOCC, III, P. 51; SD, p. 10)

St. Vincent condemns the attitude of laziness among the members of his community. For him, laziness is dangerous to the genuine growth and development of the community, besides being detrimental to the actualization of the talents and abilities of the person who is lazy. A lazy person has no interest in doing anything. He is a minimalist. He normally does not take any interest in accepting the responsibilities in the community. If he accepts a task in the community, he does it with great reluctance. Even if he takes up a responsibility in the community, he gives the minimum effort in fulfilling the task he has undertaken. Thus, a lazy person lacks the true spirit of generosity towards the community. A lazy person is not only unconcerned about the wellbeing of the community, but also has no interest in his own betterment. He does not take any interest in knowing and developing his talents and abilities. He does not make use of the opportunities that are given to him for his own growth. Taking no interest in his wellbeing and that of the community, a lazy person devises plans to disrupt the genuine life in the community. He spends his time in idle gossip about the members of the community. Often he is also very critical of the authority in the community. In this manner, a lazy person uses his time to bring more harm than good to the community. Hence, St. Vincent wants all his followers to shun laziness.

Am I a lazy person? Do I realize the dangers of laziness? Am I a person who takes the least interest in the life of the community? Am I keen to develop my own talents and abilities? Do I spend my time in gossip and criticism?

Go to the ant … consider her ways, and be wise … She prepares her food in summer, and gathers her sustenance in harvest. How long will you lie there sluggard? When will you rise from your sleep? (Prov. 6: 6-9)