April 24

God Sustains His Purity in the Human Person

God is infinite purity itself; I am impurity itself. It is he who … nourishes me with his … merciful purity, and completely destroys my impurity and its horrible consequences. (OOCC, X, p. 456; STA, 499)

The ability to live a life of purity and perfection before God was one of the ideals St. Vincent Pallotti wanted to live in imitation of God, who is Eternal and Infinite Purity. God, who is spiritual in nature, does not have the bodily nature. Hence, every form of impurity associated with material nature is absent in God. Therefore, God is infinitely pure, free from every impurity, the most perfect being. Viewing himself in the light of God, whom St. Vincent called “Infinite Purity Itself ”, he was, in his words, “impurity itself.” Though impure by his very nature and being, and not deserving the mercy and grace of God, the Most Pure Being, St. Vincent was able to have some traces of purity in his life and actions because God nourished him with his merciful purity. The touch of God’s purity on him completely destroyed his impurity and its terrible consequences on his life and that of others. The presence of God’s purity in him and destruction of impurity from his life helped St. Vincent to behave with genuine purity in his intentions, thoughts, words and deeds. As a result, through his actions he could manifest the genuine purity of God himself.

Is God’s purity the foundation of the purity of my intentions, thoughts, words and deeds? Do I believe that with God’s help I can remove all forms of impurities from my life? What changes do I need to bring about in myself in order to manifest through my actions the genuine purity of God himself?

Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness; in the greatness of your compassion wipe out my offense … Cleanse me of sin with hyssop, that I may be purified; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow … A clean heart create for me, O God. (Ps. 51: 2, 9,12)