April 20

God Sustains His Power in the Human Person

God is eternal, infinite … power. Although I am weakness itself, … still he mercifully … nourishes me with his eternal and infinite power. With such nourishment he completely destroys my weakness, so that it may not be … an impediment to those works for his glory. (OOCC, X, pp. 453 - 454; STA, 495)

St. Vincent Pallotti visualized God as Eternal and Infinite Power. The power to do any actions basically comes from God. By himself a person is limited and weak. But God, the infinite power, in his mercy nourishes man with his eternal infinite power. Nourishing with his power, God completely destroys the weakness of a person. Being strengthened by God’s power and the destruction of weakness, a person is freed from all impediments. When the clutches of impediments are freed, the person is able to engage himself in various apostolic endeavors, always keeping in mind that all apostolic engagements must, in the final analysis, be centered on bringing glory to God. The Bible is full of examples of weak persons called by God who are granted great power and strength that came from God. For instance, when Jeremiah was called, he felt unworthy of the call because he was only a youth. Similarly, when God called Isaiah, he felt unworthy of the call because he was a man of unclean lips. In both of these cases, God strengthened them with his infinite power and chose them both as his prophets. Thus, for St. Vincent Pallotti, the power of God strengthens everyone in his weakness and enables him to accomplish the mission to which he is sent.

Do I recognize God as the infinite power? Do I believe that God can destroy my weakness and help me accomplish the mission to which I am sent?

O Lord, our Lord, how glorious is your name over all the earth! You have exalted your majesty above the heavens. Out of the mouths of babes … you have fashioned praise because of your foes, to silence the hostile and the vengeful. (Ps. 8: 2-3)