April 30

Jesus: The Termination of Every Evil and Sin

My Jesus, you have come so that iniquity may be destroyed, perversion may be brought to an end, sin may finish and eternal justice may be brought about … Let there be no sin; let there be … the communication of your most holy life, with all your virtues and merits. (OOCC, X, pp. 663 - 664; STA, 512)

For St. Vincent Pallotti, Jesus the redeemer was the termination of every evil and sin. By Jesus’ coming into the world taking the form of the human person, every iniquity and perversion in human persons were destroyed. Jesus had brought about the redemption of humankind by the shedding of his blood. Thus, in Jesus, every Christian obtains redemption by the forgiveness of his sins. As a result, sin in the world is brought to an end and the eternal justice is established in the world. The world would be free from all forms of sin. There would be genuine communication between God and the human person at all levels. For instance, Christians would be able to receive the communication of the most holy life of Jesus, with all its virtues and merits. Thus, for St. Vincent Pallotti, Jesus came to undo what Adam did by his sin of disobedience. The obedience of Jesus was the most perfect act that could truly bring about a sense of balance between the fall of creation by Adam’s sin and the recreation of the world by Jesus.

Do I acknowledge that Jesus is the termination of every sin and evil? Do I cooperate with Jesus in removing sin and evil, especially from my personal life? What program of action should I plan in order to terminate sin and evil from my life?

In him (Jesus) we have redemption by his blood, the forgiveness of transgressions, in accord with the riches of his grace that he lavished upon us. (Eph. 1: 7-8)