April 29

God’s Love: The Source of Human Action

My God, by myself I can do nothing; with you I can do all. For your love I wish to do all. To you honor; to me contempt. (OOCC, X, p. 657; STA, 510)

God is the source of everything in the world. Everything depends on God for its origin and sustenance. The human person with his rational capacity is capable of higher types of action. Since a person can know and love, he is able to perform actions that are morally good or evil. As a being that is capable of knowing and loving, he is called not only to live in relationships with his fellow men, but also with his God. Though a person is a higher type of being that is capable of higher types of actions, he depends, like any other creature, on God for his origin and continued existence. Hence, if he is in a good relationship with God, man can do all things. But cut off from God, he would not be able to accomplish anything purposeful. St. Vincent Pallotti was convinced of this truth. In his life he always depended on God, for he knew that without God, he could not succeed in any of his undertaking. It is the love of God that moved St. Vincent to perform the various activities he was involved in, such as following the Lord faithfully, keeping his commandments, remaining loyal to him and serving him with his whole heart and mind by serving one’s neighbor. He did whatever he did because he loved God. For the honor and glory of God, he was ready to accept any contempt on himself. Thus, God’s love is the source of St. Vincent’s every activity.

Is God’s love the motivating factor of the activities I perform in my life? Do I recognize that a good relationship with God is essential in order to achieve the facility to do all things? What do I need to do so that the love of God motivates me in my actions?

Love the Lord your God; follow him faithfully; keep his commandments; remain loyal to him; and serve him with your whole heart and soul. (Josh. 22: 5)