All Things are Possible with God
Ah, my God, by myself I can do nothing; with you I can do anything. I wish to do everything for you. (OOCC, X, p. 642; STA, 301)
God is the foundation of every form of existence, for everything comes from him and goes back to him. Since all things are dependent on God and their existence comes from him, everything is possible for him. Hence, God not only has the power to do anything with his creation, but he also can give his creation the power to accomplish everything for him. The human person, the crown of God’s creation, shares in a special way in God’s creative power, for he is the image of God. Thus, everything is possible for a person if he totally surrenders himself to God’s will. St. Vincent Pallotti was convinced of his own ability to do anything if he was open to the grace of God. This conviction made St. Vincent say constantly that he was able to do nothing by himself, but with God he could do anything, especially in all situations where he wished to do everything for God. Thus, he saw God as his strength. Having God at his side, he felt strong enough to take up and complete any task God wanted him to accomplish in this world.
Do I consider God as my strength? Do I believe that everything is possible for me with God at my side? Am I able to surrender every situation of my life to God with total confidence and trust? Do I desire to do everything for God?
Remain in me, as I remain in you … Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing. (Jn. 15: 4-5)