Closing Prayer

(To be said by all)

My God, my merciful Father, you alone know and understand how ungrateful I have been. Not only have I forsaken you, but I have also betrayed … Jesus as well. I have betrayed him as many times as the sins I committed and helped others to commit. Moreover, many times I have wounded the heart of my dear mother Mary, with the spear of iniquity. I have neither profited from her mediation nor from the mediation of all the saints… I have always been a sinner because I never cared to imitate the virtues of the saints as I could and should have done. But now enlightened by your grace, through your infinite mercy and through the merits of Jesus Christ, through the merits and intercession of Mary, my most beloved mother, and all the angels and saints, I firmly believe that you will grant me perfect contrition for my sins and the grace to imitate the saints, … my dear mother Mary, and … Jesus Christ with greater perfection until death. Amen. (OOCC, XIII, pp. 155-156)