Signs of the Servants of the Lord
The Holy joy and spiritual cheerfulness … [are] distinctive characteristics of the true servants of the Lord. (OOCC, II, pp. 162-163)
St. Vincent Pallotti believed that the virtues of holy joy and spiritual cheerfulness are two characteristics that mark the life of a servant of God. A true servant of God must radiate joy and cheerfulness. According to St. Vincent’s perception of Christian life, by the practice of the virtues of spiritual childhood and simplicity, a person recognizes his limitations and orients himself towards God, thereby establishing a relationship of communion with God. The virtues of joy and cheerfulness help a person to live this life of communion with deep delight and happiness. While speaking about the virtues of joy and cheerfulness, St. Vincent Pallotti refers to the house at Nazareth where the Holy Family lived. According to him, joy and cheerfulness characterized the life of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus. Their life of intimate union with each other was marked by these two virtues. St. Vincent encouraged his followers to live the spirit of the house at Nazareth in the communities of the Society he founded. He believed that if everyone attempted to live the spirit of these two virtues of joy and cheerfulness, the communities of the Society would shine forth the joy of the Lord to everyone who comes in contact with them.
Does my Christian life radiate the virtues of holy joy and spiritual cheerfulness? Do these two virtues help me to live my communion with the Lord with delight and happiness? Do I imitate the spirit of the house at Nazareth in living these two virtues in my life? Does the community in which I live manifest the spirit of joy and cheerfulness?
Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (II Cor. 9: 7)