Priests’ Call to be Holy

        The more a priest strives for holiness, the more he will make his people holy. (OOCC, XIII, p. 365)

St. Vincent Pallotti had a deep reverence and admiration for the dignity of priesthood and the responsibilities God had entrusted with a priest. For him, a priest is another Christ and as such, the priest must be as holy and perfect as Jesus himself. According to St. Vincent, a priest must strive for his personal holiness, accepting any challenge and hardship that may come his way. St. Vincent insisted on the importance of a priest’s striving for holiness because he believed that if a priest strove for holiness, not only would he become holy, but also he would attempt to make his people holy. Thus, the holiness of the priest will, in turn, make the people he serves holy. St. Vincent also suggested that the priest must practice all the virtues a holy person should have. The mannerisms, speech, appearance, and behavior of the priest must manifest his holiness and the virtues he possesses. The attainment of holiness and habitual practice of all the virtues cause a priest to develop within himself a genuine love for his people. With this love to guide him, he is able to deal with them gently, understand their difficulties, and lead them to God. In this way, a holy priest leads his people to God and God to his people.

Do I value the greatness of priesthood and the responsibilities he holds in the Church? Do I understand the need for priests to be holy? As a priest or as one preparing to become a priest, do I keep the task of attaining holiness as my fundamental aim in life? As a priest, do I lead people to God and God to people?

        I charge you to keep the commandment unstained and free from reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ. (I Tim. 6: 14).