Universal Salvific Will of God

God did not create man in time except to lead him to a happy eternity. It was his desire that all men be saved and come to the light of his Divine Truth. (OOCC, IV, pp. 124-125)

It is St. Vincent Pallotti’s firm belief that God desires the salvation of every human person in the world. God’s plan for humankind is one of salvation and not of condemnation. God’s attitude towards the human person is one of solicitude, concern, and love. The universal salvific will of God means that God’s creation of the human person in time is to lead him to a happy eternity. Thus, God wants every human person to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. The universal salvific will of God is authentically manifested in the Father sacrificing his Son for the salvation of his people. It is to accomplish this universal salvific will of the Father that Jesus willingly comes into the world in human form, undergoes suffering, dies and finally rises to new life. In living through the Paschal Mystery, Jesus authenticates the Father’s commitment to the salvation of every human person. St. Vincent Pallotti is deeply touched by this truth in his life. He often expresses the sentiments of wonder and awe in his prayers as he reflects on God’s desire, plan, and the execution of the salvation of humankind in and through Jesus, his Son. He thinks that God has fallen in love with the human person despite his human misery, so much so that he sends his Son for his salvation. The awareness of the truth of the universal salvific will of God constantly made St. Vincent work hard for his own salvation and that of his neighbor.

Do I believe that God wants all human persons to be saved? Do I realize that the Father authenticated his desire for human salvation through the sacrifice of his Son Jesus? Do I acknowledge that Jesus accomplished this plan here on earth through his death on the cross? What is my personal response to God’s universal salvific will?

This is good, and it is acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (II Tim. 2: 3 – 4)