Imitation of Jesus: A Daily Task 

It is not enough to practice this holy obligation [of imitation of Jesus] only one day, one month, one year, or during the two years of Novitiate; but we must practice it everyday until we die, always with greater perfection and fervor. (OOCC, III, p. 35)

According to St. Vincent Pallotti, the holy obligation of the imitation of Jesus is a daily task. In other words, it is a task which a Christian must take upon himself and continue until the day of his death. There is no time limit on the practice of the imitation of Jesus. St. Vincent indicates it clearly when he says that this obligation is not for one day, one month, one year or the two years of the novitiate. This statement of St. Vincent points to the fact that one must avoid all forms of complacency in accomplishing the obligation of the imitation of Jesus. Though one may begin the imitation of Jesus with great interest, as time goes by he can become complacent about the practice of this obligation. He may tell himself that since he has practiced it for a long time and he is no longer in the novitiate, that he can take it easy for a while. For St. Vincent Pallotti, such a complacent and lax attitude in living the obligation of the imitation of Jesus is detrimental to genuine growth of a person in his spiritual life. Besides, such an attitude also can kill the true apostolic spirit of a person. Foreseeing this danger, St. Vincent affirmed the necessity of practicing the imitation of Jesus with the greatest perfection and fervor on a daily basis until the day of one’s death.

Do I strive to live the imitation of Jesus on a daily basis? Am I complacent about the practice of the obligation of the imitation of Jesus? Do I recognize the danger of being lax about living the imitation of Jesus?

Watch carefully then how you live, not as foolish persons but as wise, making most of the opportunity. (Eph. 5: 15 – 16)