Imitation of Jesus in One’s Deeds 

Every Christian piously thinks of imitating Jesus, but only a few strive to imitate him constantly and really, because only a few pay attention to it. (OOCC, III, p. 34)

St. Vincent Pallotti reminds his followers that talking of the imitation of Jesus is easy, but the actual bringing about the imitation of Jesus in one’s life is not an easy task. For him, true imitation of Jesus does not imply mere pious talk, but rather it must be shown in one’s actions in daily life. In other words, we must pay attention to the imitation of Jesus on a daily basis. To possess the whole life of Jesus and to live one’s life in imitation of him, according to St. Vincent, one must have knowledge of Christ’s life. Hence, one must always study, meditate and contemplate on the life of Jesus. The more a person is able to internalize the attitudes that directed Jesus in his life, the more his love for Jesus increases, resulting in a deeper and fuller imitation of Jesus. Hence, true imitation of Jesus involves hard work. It is not a mere sentimental infatuation towards Jesus or a hero worship of Jesus, but it calls for a decision to grow into Christ and to live his life on a daily basis, so as to manifest Christ and his actions in and through one’s actions. St. Vincent Pallotti lived such an imitation of Jesus in his personal life and has set an example of true imitation for each one of us.

Does my imitation of Jesus remain at the theoretical level? Do I make an honest effort to imitate Jesus in my daily life? Do I take time to study and meditate on the life of Jesus so as to increase my knowledge and love of Jesus?

See that no one returns evil for evil; rather always seek what is good [both] for each other and all. (I Thes. 5: 15)