Mary: Example of Zeal for Apostolate 

[Mary is] the perfect example of universal zeal and perfect charity. She labored tirelessly in the works of salvation for the greater glory of God. (OOCC, I, p. 7)

St. Vincent Pallotti saw in Mary the greatest example of perfect zeal for universal charity. For she worked unfailingly for the salvation of God’s people and the glory of God. From the moment Mary accepted her call from God to cooperate in God’s plan of salvation of humankind, she never once looked back. She often did not quite understand God’s plan for her, as many things did not happen as she expected. Having offered herself as the handmaid of the Lord, she was totally ready to accept God’s plan as it unfolded in her personal history. Working for the accomplishment of God’s plan at the initial stage meant for her to care for Jesus and help him to reach his manhood. Then she had to let him go and accomplish God’s plan during Jesus’ public ministry. When he completed his public ministry, she had to offer him to be crucified. She courageously stood by her Son at the moment of his death on the cross, sharing in his sufferings. After Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension, Mary had to mother the birth pangs of the Church by keeping the apostles together for their strengthening by the Spirit of God at the Pentecost. In this manner, Mary cooperated with God’s  plan  for  her  and  helped  Jesus  in  every  way  so  that  he  could accomplish the salvation of humankind. All these point to her zeal for the apostolate and the mission of universal charity.

Do I understand and appreciate the readiness of Mary to cooperate with God in his plan for her? Am I ready to say ‘yes’ to God’s plan for me on a daily basis? Do I have true zeal for the apostolate and to enkindle perfect charity in the hearts of the people?

In those days Mary arose and went with haste into a hill country, to a city of Judah, and she entered the house of Zachariah and greeted Elizabeth. (LK. 1: 39 – 40)