Qualities that Help an Apostle 

When [an apostle] acts with true zeal and fervent love, there is no temptation, no difficulty and no obstacle he cannot overcome. (OOCC, II, p. 162)

For St. Vincent Palllotti, true zeal and fervent love are two qualities that help an apostle in his apostolic endeavors. The virtue of zeal helps a person to be enthusiastic about his life as an apostle and interested in his apostolic task. A zealous person’s mind is totally focused on God. He accepts God as the source of all that he is and all that he has. Hence, his whole life is focused on doing whatever he does to bring the glory of God and happiness to others. A person with true zeal never thinks of himself but always happily gives himself to others’ needs. A zealous person is a happy person who is always grateful to God for the many blessings he has received from God. Similarly, the quality of fervent love makes a person dynamic in his apostolate. A person of fervent love is one who has experienced the infinite love of God deep within himself. He knows that he has been the object of God’s love. Having experienced the love of God, he attempts to respond to the God of love totally and fully. His apostolate becomes a means through which he expresses his love for God. By reaching out to his fellow men in loving concern through his apostolate, he returns his gratitude to God. According to St. Vincent, when these two qualities of true zeal and fervent love are present in a person, he becomes very effective in his apostolate. Such a person has built himself on the rock of God’s love so that nothing can disturb him from being faithful to his apostolate. Neither temptations nor difficulties can become obstacles to the path he has set out for himself in God’s name. With true zeal and fervent love he carries on the apostolate despite problems.

Do I have the spirit of true zeal leading me in my apostolic endeavors? Am I a person of fervent love? Am I enthusiastic about my apostolate? Do I consider my apostolate as a means to respond to God in gratitude for his love?

So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, and especially to those who are of the house of faith. (Gal. 6: 10)