Mary: Queen of the Apostles

The Virgin Mary, without preaching the Gospel, became the Queen of the Apostles through the efficacy of her prayers by which she sustained the courage of the apostles and caused them to prosper in their work. (OOCC, IV, p. 378)

The Cenacle scene is uppermost in the mind of St. Vincent Pallotti as he addresses Mary as the Queen of the Apostles. Mary holds apostles together at the upper room. She prays with them and encourages them as they are disappointed at the loss of Jesus, their Master. It is under her protection that the Spirit of God descends on them and they are made to face the world as preachers of the message of Jesus. She gives birth to the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church, at the Cenacle. Thus, Mary plays a very significant role in accomplishing the plan of God for the redemption of humankind along with Jesus. Though not given the dignity of an apostle, Mary commits herself to the mission of universal charity because she works with great zeal for the salvation of God’s people and for the glory of God. Mary did not preach the gospel like the apostles, but through her prayers and personal presence amidst the apostles, she helped to sustain the courage of the apostles, allowing them to be true apostles of Jesus, and made them prosper in their work for him. In doing so, she surpassed all the apostles in merit. Hence, she is given the title “Queen of the Apostles.” In this way, Mary has shown how a person without the office of priesthood in the Church, can participate in the mission of the Church totally and fully. Hence, Mary becomes an example of the mission of every layperson within the Church.

Do I acknowledge the significant role of Mary in God’s plan of salvation? Am I ready to serve in simplicity, like Mary, without holding any office of dignity? Do I sustain the courage of others engaged in ministry by my prayers and personal presence?

And Mary Said: “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word.” (Lk. 1: 38)