Submission to Jesus: The Essence of Christian Life

Almighty and merciful Jesus, completely destroy my life … I commend my life, and my last day and moment to your hands. The true nourishment of my life is to do the will of my Lord at all times. (OOCC, X, p. 510; STA, 508)

A person who is proud does not recognize God as the author of his life, for he does not feel the need of anybody other than himself. He thinks that his life is his own and he can easily manage the diverse happenings of his life. Therefore, there is an element of arrogance in the heart of the proud person. He lacks the attitude of humility which is necessary to acknowledge and accept the significance of other persons in his life. Such a person does not submit himself before anyone, even if it is God. St. Vincent Pallotti was constantly at war with himself in uprooting pride, which he acknowledged as one of his shortcomings. In order to remove this vice from his life, he submitted himself to Jesus, whom he acknowledged as his author of life. He wished that Jesus would destroy his life of arrogance and pride. He commended his life and especially his last moment into the hands of Jesus. He proclaimed that the true nourishment of his life was to do the will of Jesus at all times, in total submission and surrender to him. Living this attitude of submission to Jesus on a regular basis, St. Vincent Pallotti grew in closer relationship with Jesus and led many others to him.

Do I acknowledge God as the author of my life? Do I recognize the significance of God and other persons in my life? Am I ready to submit my will to Jesus, especially in those areas where I wish to have my own way? Do I commend the totality of my life into the hands of Jesus?

 “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.” So submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (Jas. 4: 6-7)