God’s Loving Condescension on the Human Person

My God … at every moment you think of me, and pour upon me… favors, gifts and mercies … You work these proofs of your love and mercy day and night, whether I am awake, asleep, thinking of you, or not thinking of you … On the holy altars … You wait for me and burn with the infinite fire of love to give me yourself completely. (OOCC, X, pp. 235 - 236; STA, 544)

St. Vincent Pallotti believed that his life as a Christian was a miracle of God’s mercy. The greatest miracle is that which God worked through Mary for the salvation of humankind. The more he reflected on his life and that of the saints, the more he was fascinated by the manner in which God worked in, through, with, and for the human person. Everything God did with him manifested God’s loving condescension on him. St. Vincent deeply felt that God constantly thought of him and poured on him favors, gifts and mercies. Whether it was night or day, whether he was asleep or awake, whether he was thinking of God or not thinking of God – God worked on St. Vincent the proofs of his mercy and love. St. Vincent was particularly touched by the presence and love of the Eucharistic Lord on the holy altars where Jesus waited for him, burned with infinite love for him and gave himself completely as nourishment for his spiritual life. Acknowledging the marvelous ways in which God dealt with him in so many ways, St. Vincent Pallotti lived his life in gratitude to God, attempting to give himself to God and others in the very manner in which God gave himself to him.

Do I acknowledge the marvelous ways in which God is dealing with me in  my  everyday  life?  Do  I  recognize  God’s  dealings  with  me  as  his condescension on me? Am I grateful to God for the manifold expressions of his love in my life? How do I express my gratitude to him? 

The Lord is waiting to show you favor, and he rises to pity you; For the Lord is a God of justice: blessed are all who wait for him! (Is. 30:18)