Jesus: The Model of Meekness and Humility

        My Jesus … you, who mercifully became our divine model of meekness and humility, so that we could imitate you efficaciously… Let myself be entirely destroyed, let there be         in me nothing but your meekness and humility. (OOCC, X, pp. 262 - 263; STA, 390)

 According to St. Vincent Pallotti, anger and pride are two vices that could totally destroy the spiritual growth of a person. They both are against the true Christian spirit. An angry person is violent, wild and impatient in his dealings with others. A proud person is arrogant. He thinks that he is capable of doing everything better than anyone else. Thus, a person with anger and pride is self-centered and ignores any right dealings with others. Thus, a person dominated by these two vices is incapable of true communication with God and others. St. Vincent wished to destroy these two vices from his life by practicing the contrary virtues, that is meekness and humility. A meek person is mild, patient and non-violent in his dealings with others. A humble person, while recognizing his God-given talents and abilities, acknowledges the abilities of others and works with them. In living out these two virtues, St. Vincent imitated Jesus, the true model of meekness and humility. He wished that his self dominated by anger and pride be destroyed, with a meek and humble self after the model of Jesus taking its place. Living the spirit of meekness and humility in imitation of Jesus, St. Vincent was able to be Christ-like in his life.

Do I recognize the danger of anger and pride in my spiritual life? Do these vices dominate my life and make me incapable of genuine communication with God and others? Do I practice the virtues of meekness and humility in imitation of Jesus?

        Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for         yourselves. (Mt. 11: 28- 29)