Submission to the Holy Mother Church

        I subject everything to the judgment of the Holy Mother Church. I believe everything the same Holy Church believes and teaches, and I reprove all that which Holy Mother         Church reproves … I believe, think, say, and intend to say everything in the same sense as Holy Mother Church. (OOCC, X, p. 290: STA, 327)

 St. Vincent Pallotti was an ardent believer in the supreme authority of the Church. In his writings, he often fondly referred to the Church as the “Mother.” His attitude towards the Church was very similar to that which he had towards his mother. He loved the Church and dedicated his whole life for the service of the Church. In his lifetime, he did whatever possible to spread the faith deposited in the Church by Christ. He conceded in every matter to the judgment of the teaching authority of the Church. He believed and taught what the Church believed and taught. Similarly he did not accept and shunned what was not in agreement with the teaching of the Church. In interpreting the scriptures and the teachings of the Church, St. Vincent was particularly careful that his explanations and interpretations in no way went against the sense in which the teaching authority of the Church understood them. St. Vincent Pallotti remained firm in his faithfulness to the Church, even in moments when his own plans for the society he founded were looked upon with suspicion by the Church authority.

What is my attitude towards the Church? Do I consider the Church as my Mother? Do I love the Church and dedicate my life to the service of the Church? Do I firmly hold on to the faith taught by the Church? Do I explain and interpret the scriptures and the teachings of the Church in the sense in which the Church teaches them?

        And I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of         heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (Mt. 16: 18-19)