Placing Oneself in the Hands of God

Conduct yourself in such a way that nothing … distracts you from God. Thus, if you are in distress, misery, [and] tribulation … put everything in the hands of God, … animated by a heroic faith, … hope, charity, and sorrow for … [your] faults. (OOCC, X, p. 54; STA, 232)

In every aspect of his life, St. Vincent Pallotti conducted himself in such a way that he was totally focused on God and his mind was never distracted from God. He was always at peace, even in moments which were very difficult. For instance, when he received the Papal order containing the suppression of the Society he founded, he knelt down along with his collaborators and prayed the “Te Deum” in thanksgiving. He was able to maintain such a mind-set and remain calm even in the most adverse situation because he was able to place every happening of his life in the hands of God. In doing so, he was animated by an ardent faith, a devoted love, an unquestioning hope and a genuine sorrow for his failures. When any form of distress, misery, or tribulation came into his life, he knew very well that he did not have to face it alone, as God was there to assist him and help him to overcome the difficulty. All he needed to do was to approach the bounty of the merciful God with faith, love, hope and genuine sorrow for his limitations. Living his life with this attitude, St. Vincent Pallotti was always focused on God.

Am I able to maintain the tranquillity of mind that helps me to focus on God even in moments that are difficult? Do I place everything that happens in my life in the hands of God with faith, love, hope and genuine sorrow for my failures? Do I face the troubles of my life all by myself? Do I hand over my problems to God?

I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, nor future things, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God. (Rom. 8: 38-39)