Jesus: Our Strength in Suffering 

Jesus has sacrificed the totality of himself by embracing the tribulations for your sake. Therefore, for love of Jesus accept any sacrifice, by suffering every tribulation. (OOCC, XIII, p. 609) 

St. Vincent Pallotti suffered in his own life. For him, suffering meant physical pains, illnesses, persecution by others, slander, misunderstanding, calumny, betrayal, false accusations, or any other form of physical and mental agony. He had a share of all these during his lifetime here on earth. From his own sufferings, he knew that they were often hard to bear, and a person could easily give up his journey towards God because of the weight of his sufferings. Therefore, he advised his followers that they must keep their eyes fixed on the crucified Jesus and learn from him how they must cope with the sufferings of everyday life. St. Vincent always reminded them that their sufferings were of a lesser degree in comparison with the hardships Jesus suffered. He suggested to them that they must study Jesus, in his sufferings as if he were a textbook of suffering. The daily reading and reflection on the passion of Jesus would make them understand the extent of Jesus’ suffering. Such an understanding would give them the needed courage to cope with the diverse sufferings they faced in their lives. St. Vincent was convinced that only from Jesus could a person receive the strength, the grace, and the fortitude needed to encounter his suffering and come out victorious. For Jesus, by accepting the cross, living through it, and rising above it at his resurrection, had overcome the world with its pains and sorrows. Hence, Jesus, the Victorious One, is an answer to our daily sufferings.

Which are some of the sufferings I face in my daily life? Weighed down by my sufferings, do I give up my journey towards God? Do I turn to Jesus, the Crucified, in the moments of my daily troubles? Do I take time daily to reflect on Jesus’ sufferings? Does the passion of Jesus help me to face my suffering, and become victorious in coping with them?

I have said this to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. (Jn. 16: 33)