Crucified Jesus: The Model of Self-sacrifice

In becoming flesh for us, the Son of God … came into the world and lived a life of perfect sacrifice from the moment of his birth until the moment of his death … [Hence] Our Lord Jesus Christ… [is] our divine model of self-sacrifice. (OOCC, II, p. 7) 

Jesus crucified, for St. Vincent Pallotti, is the perfect model of self-sacrifice, because by becoming a human person, Jesus sacrificed himself completely so that humankind may have life in him. The totality of Jesus’ life, from the moment of his birth to that of his death, was a perfect sacrifice offered to the Father on behalf of humankind. Jesus, by living the spirit of self- sacrifice to the fullest especially in his suffering and death, brought about the redemption of every human person. Hence, a Christian, in order to merit the fruits of Christ’s redemption, must be united to the life of sacrifice and suffering Jesus lived. Living in imitation of Jesus Christ, the divine model of self-sacrifice, a person opens himself to the life of divine grace. It is Christ’s self-sacrifice that gives meaning to the suffering which a person is called to endure in his life. Christ’s example of facing suffering must help one to follow in his footsteps. The patience with which Christ suffered must inspire a person to accept sufferings and hardships in his life. St. Vincent Pallotti lived in imitation of Christ crucified and achieved a great degree of self-sacrifice. He yearned to suffer with Christ that he might share in his glory.

Do I imitate the spirit of sacrifice practiced by Jesus, the crucified Lord? Do I make the spirit of sacrifice I live in my life redemptive? Do the sufferings I face in my life open me to divine grace? Do I patiently cope with hardships and suffering in my life?

Because he [Christ] himself was tested through what he suffered, he is able to help those who are being tested. (Heb. 2: 18)