Christian Perfection: A Personal Choice

[One must] strive always to go forward and constantly mature in holiness and in evangelical perfection according to the rules and the spirit of the institutes of the congregation. (OOCC, II, p. 57)

St. Vincent Pallotti was convinced that Christian perfection was a personal choice on the part of a Christian, for no one could make a person holy unless the person in question chose to become holy. When a person accepted God’s invitation to be holy as God himself was holy, and strove consistently on a daily basis to progress in perfection, he would become mature in holiness. According to St. Vincent, following are some of the elements involved in the personal choice of holiness. First, one would achieve the degree of holiness he desired. Second, a person should plan out a roadmap for his spiritual journey and execute it within the context of his life situations. Third, a person must learn to strive for holiness very early in life. He should not postpone the task of becoming holy until later in life. Fourth, a person must live every moment of his life in the memory of his conversion and in anticipation of his death. This would make his personal choice to be holy more effective. Thus, for St. Vincent, when a person made a personal choice involving all the above-mentioned elements, without any doubt he would make progress in his spiritual life.


Do I believe that in order to live my life of perfection, I must make a personal choice to follow Jesus? Do I desire holiness? Do I work toward achieving holiness in the context of my daily life? Do I postpone the task of becoming holy? Do I live every moment of my life in memory of my conversion and anticipation of my death?

Therefore, brothers and sisters, be all the more eager to confirm your call and election, for if you do this, you will never stumble. For in this way, entry into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be richly provided for you. (II Pet.1: 10 - 11)