Creation: The Revelation of God’s Love

God, blessed in himself, moved with infinite love and mercy, created the world in order to give himself wholly to creatures. (OOCC, XIII, p. 29; GIL, I, p. 1)

 St. Vincent Pallotti believed that it was the infinite love and mercy of God that moved him to create the world. He created the world out of nothingness and brought into being every type of creature that inhabited the earth. From formless chaos, God brought order and beauty in the universe. If a person contemplates the manner in which the creation of every being in the world was so meticulously planned and artfully executed, one could not but wonder at the wisdom and love of God. The creation of the human person as the pinnacle of everything that existed further added to the wonder of God’s plan for creation. Though the human person had received a sublime nature from God with manifold gifts, St. Vincent was shocked at the fact that very few people knew their own value and appreciated their own gifts and God-given vocation. He wished to let everyone know God was the basis of the natural and spiritual fabric of human living. Hence, for St. Vincent, the order and beauty found in every creature was the means through which God communicated his love. Therefore, creation was the revelation of God’s infinite love and mercy.

Do I recognize the love and mercy of God with which every creature in the world is created? Do I acknowledge the love with which God created me? Do I accept my value and worth as the pinnacle of God’s creation? Do I believe that God is the foundation of the natural and spiritual fabric of human life? Is creation a revelation of God’s love for me?

In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless wasteland and darkness covered the abyss, while a mighty wind swept over the waters. (Gen. 1: 1 – 2)