The Right Attitude in Performing Duties of Life

When engaged in prayer, teaching, studying and custodianship I will try to think how Jesus, Mary, the Angels and Saints would have conducted themselves during such activities. By thus trying always to act with greater perfection, I intend always to act with that same perfection with which they themselves would have acted. (OOCC, X, pp. 5 - 6; STA, 1)

One catchy phrase St. Vincent constantly used while performing any activity, especially in accomplishing the various duties of his life, was “always more” (Sempre Più). The use of this phrase, in the context of doing the duties of his life, expressed his desire and intention to do whatever he did with the greatest perfection. He was neither satisfied with doing the minimum, nor happy doing them half-heartedly. Before he carried out any activity, he reflected on the activity, explored the various ways in which that activity could be completed, chose the best manner in which it could be executed, and then got that activity done. He often invoked the spirit of great saints in fulfilling the task, and performed the act in the way it would have been done by those saints themselves. Thus, whether St. Vincent was engaged in praying, teaching, studying, or caring for people who were under his guidance academically or spiritually, he did his best to do those activities in the most perfect manner. The ideal St. Vincent followed in his life was the perfection of God. He wanted to be as perfect as the heavenly Father is perfect. In this manner, the attitude of doing “always more”, both in the sense of quantity and quality, marked the spirit of St. Vincent Pallotti. 

Does the attitude of doing “always more” guide me in accomplishing the duties that are entrusted to me? Am I satisfied with doing the minimum? Do I perform activities of my daily life in a half-hearted manner? What do I need to do to capture the spirit of doing everything in the most perfect manner? Is the perfection of God the ideal of my life?

But you are to be perfect even as your Father in Heaven is perfect. (Mt. 5: 48)