Doing Good Always

Since good is all that I plan to do, at different hours of the day, and at different times and circumstances … I intend to do good always… I will try to excite in myself, through some act, the intention to do it all. (OOCC, X, pp. 32 - 33; STA, 48)

God is goodness by his nature. Every good thing that one finds in this world is an expression of the goodness of God. After creating the world in all its richness, God has found it to be very good. The human person, the crown of God’s creation by his vocation, is called to be a co-creator. He is called to work with God, and make this world a better place in which to live. In God’s plan, the human person’s aim in life is to add beauty and prosperity to the world, the creation of God. St. Vincent Pallotti, being fully aware of his vocation to cooperate in God’s creative plan for the world, always attempted to do what was good. Therefore, in every circumstances of his daily living, he constantly looked for opportunities to do actions that would add goodness to the situation in which he found himself. He never sought his own advantage, his name or fame, while doing a good act. He often excited in himself a genuine desire to do what he believed to be done through some act. He also encouraged his followers to do the same. In all his effort to do good, St. Vincent always wanted to maintain the objective goodness of the situation in which he found himself, and the benefit of the people involved in the situation.

Do I, like St. Vincent Pallotti, recognize man’s vocation to do what is good in this world? Do I recognize my role as the co-creator? Do I add goodness to the situation in which I find myself? Do I take the trouble to do what I believe to be done? Do I seek my advantage or the good of the people in doing the good I do?

Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right. Think of things that are pure and lovely … Keep putting into practice all you have learned from me and saw me doing, and the God of peace will be with you. (Phil. 4: 8-9)