Glorifying God in Everything

My God, in one word, no matter what I see, read, know, feel … I intend to … quickly lift my mind up to you, praying that from all this there may come the true and greater glory of God. (OOCC, X, p. 24; STA, 37)

Since God is the beginning and end of all things, according to St. Vincent, whatever happens in this world happens because of his design and power. Therefore, St. Vincent had a faith-vision of God as directing and guiding everything, including his life in the world. Hence, God is the foundation of every event that occurs in the world. Since God is the foundation of everything that takes place in the world, a person must raise his heart and mind to God in gratitude, for every event that happens in his life. These events reveal to the human person, the nature of God, what God’s plans are, and what God wants of him to accomplish with his life in the world. Therefore, every event that happens in a person’s everyday living, i.e., what one sees, reads, knows and feels deep within himself are occasions in which the plan of God for man is revealed. Hence, all these events are occasions for which we need to give honor and glory to God. The realization of this truth caused St. Vincent Pallotti to lift his mind up to God in gratitude for everything that happened in his life. He expressed his gratitude by making use of each of these events as opportunities to give infinite glory to God.

Do I have a faith-vision to see the hand of God in everything that happens in my life? Do the everyday events that happen in my life reveal God’s plan for me? Do I make use of these daily and ordinary events to proclaim the glory and honor of God? 

Declare each day that he [God] is the one who saves! Show his glory to the nations! Tell everyone about his miracles. For the Lord is great, and should be highly praised. (I Chro. 16: 23-25)