Good Example: The Means to Sanctify Others

No one can be excused from giving good example … [as it is efficacious and suitable for the sanctification of one’s neighbor]. It is efficacious because it penetrates the hearts of the faithful; … it is suitable because there is no natural defect that prevents [one from] setting a good example, as there might be in preaching or other duties. (OOCC, X, pp. 606 - 607; STA, 209)

St. Vincent Pallotti believed in the value of giving good example, as a great means to sanctify one’s neighbor. He said that no person could be excused from giving good example to his neighbor, as it is an efficacious and suitable means for the sanctification of others. Good example is an efficacious means because it touches the heart and mind of the one who experiences an exemplary act. Since people see the act directly, good example is self-evident and does not need any further explanations. Good example is a suitable means of sanctification, because no natural defect in the person giving the example can prevent them from performing the exemplary act. Natural defects such as defects in speaking or in walking may prevent one from becoming a preacher or an active missionary respectively. But despite all such natural defects one can become an exemplary person. Hence, St. Vincent insisted upon giving good example as a means to edify and sanctify one’s neighbor.

Do I recognize the value of good example as a means to sanctify my neighbor? Do I use every opportunity I get in my life to give good example to others? Am I willing to learn from the good examples of others?

Since I, the Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each other’s feet. I have given you an example to follow: do as I have done to you. (Jn. 13: 14-15)