Prayer of Confidence

When I ask for some spiritual grace, I shall imagine with solicitude, confidence, humility and gratitude that I have immediately obtained it. I will perform internal acts as if I had really obtained such a grace. And I do not doubt I will obtain it. (OOCC, X, pp. 112 - 113; STA, 172) 

An effective prayer is a prayer of confidence. Often one does not trust in the Lord totally and fully when he places his prayers before him. When a person prays, he does not often hand over to the Lord the problem he is struggling with, the demanding situation he is facing, or the troubles that are difficult to overcome, with the confidence of a child. Often, even in his prayer, a person struggles alone with the problem he faces. He fails to take the problem out of himself and place it at the feet of the Lord. While asking for a favor from God, deep within the person there is the question, would God grant it. Therefore, his prayers often do not produce the desired effect. According to St. Vincent Pallotti, when a person asks for some special grace from God, he should never doubt God’s bountiful providence to grant the requested favor. In avoiding doubts about God’s bounty, he must imagine with confidence that he has already obtained the requested grace and express sentiments of gratitude for having received the favor. The attitude of thanking God for the grace requested, with the thought that one has already received it, implies deep confidence in God’s power to make things happen in our lives. Living this attitude, St. Vincent approached God in total trust, and placed his needs before God in complete surrender while praying. Such a prayer of surrender definitely bore abundant fruit in his life, and the lives of many he encountered daily.

How do I pray? Do I pray with confidence? Do I hand over to God the problem I am struggling with while I pray? Do I doubt the bountiful providence of God during prayer? Do I imagine to have received the favor I have placed before God in prayer and express sentiments of gratitude?

Lord you know the hopes of the humble people. Surely you will hear their cries and comfort their hearts by helping them. (Ps. 10: 17)