Be Quiet and Timorous

The life of a Christian must be quiet because it rests in God, and timorous, because it fears to lose the abundance of our Lord, Jesus Christ through sins. (OOCC, X, pp. 133 - 134; STA, 190)

In the vision of St. Vincent Pallotti, Christian life must have the quality of quietness, because it rests in God. A Christian must never be agitated or restless, but instead he must be calm and quiet. The reason for this mind-set of the Christian is not that his life is free from troubles and hardships. Though he faces countless challenges in his everyday living, a Christian is calm and composed because his life does not rest on himself, but on God, who is his fortress. Since Christian life is founded on God, a Christian can throw all anxieties on God and live his life with calmness of mind and peacefulness of heart. According to St. Vincent Pallotti, Christian life must also be timorous, because it fears the loss of God’s abundant graces through human weaknesses and failures. A Christian, though dependent on God, always must recognize the fact the he is weak and diffident. While cultivating the attitude of total dependence on God, he must also cultivate a certain amount of distrust in his ability to accomplish the will of God all by himself. The latter quality will help a Christian to be realistic about himself, count more on God, and avoid the pitfalls of self-righteous attitude to spiritual living. Hence, while trusting less on himself and absolutely on God, a Christian can live a peaceful and happy life.

Am I less agitated and calm in my spiritual and human living? Do I believe God is the fortress of my life, who keeps me secure? Am I realistic in my perception of myself? Do I recognize my weakness and diffidence?

You must be … obeying God with deep reverence, shrinking back from all that might displease him. For God is working within you, helping you … do what he wants. (Phil. 2: 12-13)