Necessity of Prayer

The practice of holy prayer is most necessary for an ecclesiastic. … “A Christian without prayer is a man without reason.” … “A missionary without prayer is a soldier without a sword.” (OOCC, X, pp. 577 - 578; STA, 150)

According to St. Vincent Pallotti, prayer is very important in the life of a Christian, especially for a priest or a religious, who has completely dedicated his life to the service of God and the people. The richness of the life of a Christian depends on the quality of prayer he lives. A person without prayer is like the salt that has lost its taste, and the lamp that has failed to give light. St. Vincent Pallotti compared a Christian without prayer to a person without reason. Similarly, a priest or a religious, whose vocation in life is to serve God and his people, without prayer is compared to a soldier without a sword. We can never think of a person without reason, for it is reason that makes a human person. Likewise, a soldier cannot be thought of without a weapon of war, for it is the possession and the ability to use the weapon of war that makes a soldier. In the same way, it is the quality of a person’s prayer life that makes him a Christian, a priest or a religious. Without the former, the latter cannot be. Understanding the significance and value of prayer, St. Vincent Pallotti made the task of growing in prayer life his life’s endeavor.

Do I recognize the significance of prayer in my Christian and consecrated life? Do I take time to pray amidst the various activities I am called to accomplish in my life? Do I consider prayer as ‘the weapon of war’ with which I can conquer the world for Christ? Do I understand the danger of giving up prayer in my Christian life?

Seek the Lord while you can find him. Call upon him now while he is near. (Is. 55:6)