Duty of Those in Authority

In order to imitate our Lord Jesus Christ all those in authority … give the ruling not in the spirit of domination, but with an attitude of loving service. (OOCC, I, p. 107)

St. Vincent Pallotti wanted everyone who holds any office of leadership to imitate Jesus, the Master, who always served. Jesus did not come into this world to be served, but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many. The leadership of Christ is a servant leadership, i.e., a leadership of service. Jesus taught his disciples the lesson on servant leadership at the last supper by stooping down to wash the feet of his disciples. When Peter objected to Jesus’ washing of his feet, thereby objecting to the type of leadership Jesus was proposing for them to follow, Jesus said that if he did not wash Peter’s feet, Peter would have no part in Jesus. This act indicated to Peter that he must accept the servant leadership Jesus was proposing for his disciples. Similarly, the words of Jesus to Pilot who said that he had the power to free or to hand over Jesus to the Jews, said that Pilot would not have the power he has unless it was given from above. The gesture of Jesus at the last supper and his words to Peter and Pilot clearly indicate that the leadership among his followers should never be one of domination, but one of loving service. All through his life, St. Vincent was a servant leader. Fighting against his tendencies of pride and anger, he always attempted to humble himself instead of imposing himself on others. In exercising his function as the leader, whether in his community, in the different parishes he served, or in any other offices he held at different times in his life, he was an exemplary leader whose main concern was to serve those who were in need.

Do I hold any leadership position? How do I exercise my authority over the people whom God has given me to care for? Am I a servant leader? Is it domination or loving service that characterize my leadership style? Do I believe that I would have no authority unless it is given from above?

Let the greatest among you be as the youngest, and the leader as the servant. (Lk. 22: 25)