Prayer for the Community

L    Most loving Virgin Mary, Mother of mercy, Queen of the angels and saints, our support and our hope,

R    look with mercy on our community which you have cherished from the beginning.

L    Guard it now and in the future and bless it with continued growth.

R    May poverty, chastity and obedience, the spirit of prayer and the sharing of resources, in a spirit of serving with the love of Christ, remain alive in our hearts.

L    Preserve our Community from all harm, especially from any danger of lukewarmness.

R    Mary, our support and our hope, obtain these blessings for us from your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

For the growth of our community

Let your mercy fall upon us abundantly, O Lord our God, and through the merits and intercession of the immaculate Virgin Mary, of St. Joseph and of our holy Father Vincent, preserve our community and help its growth. Grant that it may grow in spirit and in number and thus may be able to glorify your Name on earth as it already is glorified in heaven. Amen.

Prayer for the renewal of consecration

L     Those who place themselves in the service of the Lord bring peace and happiness to the world.

R  We come to dedicate ourselves to the service of the Lord. We come joyfully and without hesitation. We come into the holy presence of God, to consecrate our lives anew and we are ready and willing to follow God faithfully.

L     Now, let the whole world praise the Lord,

R     Let us sing our praise to God, forever and ever.


Form of Consecration

For the greater glory of God, of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Apostles of all the Angels and Saints, and for the more complete sanctification of myself and my neighbor, with the help of God, and through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, of our Blessed Father Vincent, and of all the saints, I N surrender, give and offer my whole self to the same omnipotent God, and I resolve to follow our Lord Jesus Christ in the Union of Catholic Apostolate. Therefore, for life, I promise to the Society of the Catholic Apostolate and to its Superiors: chastity, poverty, obedience, perserverance, a life in the sharing of resources, and in a spirit of serving with the love of Christ, according to the laws of the same Society.