Mary: Our Spiritual Mother

We should awaken within ourselves … a livelier trust in the powerful intercession of such an august Mother. As her children, we please her by striving to become … similar to her Son and our firstborn brother, Jesus. (OOCC, III, pp. 78-79)

St. Vincent Pallotti’s perception of Mary as the spiritual mother of every human person is based on the Golgotha scene. Before he died on the cross, Jesus called both his mother and the disciple he loved and handed over his mother as the mother of the disciple. Through the gift of Mary to John, she became not only the mother of John, but also of every true disciple of Jesus. Mary, accepting the words of Jesus from the cross, gives herself as the mother of every human person for whom Jesus shed his Blood. Spiritual motherhood of Mary is a precious gift of Jesus to humankind. Mary is the spiritual mother of every person. He must develop deep and filial trust in the intercession and protection of Mary. One way of accepting her motherhood is to strive to become similar to Jesus in every way. Mary is a great helper in this process of a person becoming similar to her Son, since giving Jesus to the world and bringing the world to Jesus is the main task of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Mary, as the spiritual mother, helps everyone accept that Christ is born in his heart spiritually. St. Vincent Pallotti fostered a child-like confidence in Mary as the spiritual mother. He often approached her with great trust in order that she may show him the way to Jesus. With the help of Mary, St. Vincent moved towards greater levels of sanctity in imitation of Jesus.

Do I accept Mary as my spiritual mother? Do I acknowledge Mary as the gift of Jesus to every Christian? Do I cultivate deep and filial trust in Mary’s intercession and protection? Do I approach Mary’s help in becoming similar to Jesus?

For he has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden; behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed. (Lk. 1: 48)