God Sustains His Justice in the Human Person

God is justice itself. Although I have been unjust toward God, my neighbor and myself, still … He nourishes me mercifully with his justice, and completely destroys my injustices, together with their most horrendous consequences. (OOCC, X, pp. 455 - 456; STA, 498)

St. Vincent Pallotti acknowledged that God is Eternal and Infinite Justice, for he is never unjust to any of his creatures. His justice goes beyond any human considerations. Though we are unjust to him, he is never unjust to us. He gives us what is our due. The mercy of God does not go against his Infinite Justice. While his mercy makes him let the sun shine over the good and the evil, his Justice makes him give everyone what he deserves. The justice which a person possesses and practices, is a manifestation of the Infinite Justice of God. According to St. Vincent Pallotti, the human person is a free creature and can act unjustly towards God, towards his neighbor, and at times even towards himself by choosing actions that go against God’s plan for him. But despite human failure to be just, God mercifully nourishes a person with his Justice, and completely destroys all forms of injustice from him. As a result, if person is truly open to God of justice and allows him to wipe away his injustices, he can truly be just in all dealings with God, with his neighbor and with himself. When such a just way of behavior takes hold of a person, he will be able to establish a just society, where the Infinite Justice of God would reign supreme as the standard by which everyone lives.

Is the justice I practice based on the Infinite Justice of God? Am I just in my dealings with God, with my neighbor and with myself? By opening myself to the Infinite Justice of God, am I able to establish justice for all in the community I live?

Come here and declare in counsel together: Who announced this from the beginning and foretold it from of old? Was it not I, the Lord, besides whom there is no other God? There is no just and saving God but me. (Is. 45: 21)