God Sustains His Wisdom in the Human Person

God is eternal, infinite … wisdom. Although I am … unworthy of his illumination … still he mercifully nourishes with his eternal and infinite wisdom. With such nourishment he … completely destroys the darkness of my ignorance (OOCC, X, p. 454; STA, 496)

St. Vincent Pallotti experienced God as the Eternal and Infinite Wisdom. The wisdom of God is beyond measure. No one can totally understand God’s wisdom, but everyone’s understanding depends on the wisdom of God. Unless God lends wisdom to a person, he would not have the right knowledge and proper understanding. In his wisdom, God created everything in the universe, both the rational and irrational creatures. Each creature in its own way manifests the marvelous wisdom of God. The human person, the crown of creation, enjoys a higher level of wisdom than other creatures of the universe, because he is made in the image of God. The wisdom given to him is not what he has actually merited, but a free gift from God. According to St. Vincent Pallotti, though a person is not worthy of God’s illumination, still he nourishes him with eternal and infinite divine wisdom. God’s nourishment of a person with his wisdom completely destroys the darkness of ignorance in the human person and fills him with true knowledge and correct understanding. As a result, he is able to have the right perspective of his life with regard to God’s plan for him and is capable of accomplishing God’s will in whatever he does, especially in his mission.

Do I recognize that my human wisdom is founded on the wisdom of God? Do I acknowledge that true wisdom is God’s gift? Am I able to cultivate a right perspective of both my life and ministry?

The Lord by wisdom founded the earth, established the heavens by understanding; by his knowledge the depths break open, and clouds drop down dew. (Prov. 3: 19-20)