Human Person: The Image of God

I intend now and at all times to venerate in everyone the image of God, in whose likeness they were created. (OOCC, X, p. 202; STA, 315)

St. Vincent Pallotti never disrespected any human person, but rather he treated every person with genuine respect and honor. He believed in the inner dignity of every person. For him, human dignity does come not from the human person himself, but the basis of the dignity of the human person is his innate divinity. Thus, human dignity is founded on the fact that he is made in God’s image. As the image of God, the human person has the godly qualities of knowledge and free choice which help him to know God and others and enter into an intimate relationship with them. Since he is made in God’s image and possesses the divinity of God within him, St. Vincent Pallotti often said that he, at all times, would never hesitate to venerate in every human person the image and likeness of God. Therefore, the human person as the image of God, is the temple of the Divine. Hence, he must not be treated thoughtlessly but with all seriousness, esteem and admiration. This realization made St. Vincent sensitive and gentle in dealing with others.

Do I believe that every person is an image of God? Do I acknowledge that human dignity is founded on his innate divinity? Do I treat others with respect, esteem and admiration as the image of God? Am I sensitive and gentle in my dealings with others?

Then God said: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness”… God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him. (Gen. 1: 26, 27)